What is a Real Estate Investment Trust?
Who can invest in First Reliance REIT?
How do I invest?
I have heard that REITs provide potential tax advantages, is this true?
Why are Condominium apartments a preferred asset class for First Reliance REIT?
Apartments are often considered the lowest risk in the commercial real estate space. Our belief is that positioning apartments as the preferred asset class for First Reliance will provide the benefits of lower risk and increased stability to unitholders. The investment guidelines allow the manager to purchase other types of real estate if desirable. Please see the offering memorandum for more information.
*Investment in real estate involves significant risks. Past performance may not be repeated. Please refer to the First Reliance REIT Offering Memorandum for more information.
How do I redeem my units if I want to sell?
Does First Reliance REIT pay a monthly distribution?
Does First Reliance REIT trade on a stock exchange?
Let us know if we have we missed anything.
First Reliance REIT
First Reliance REIT is a Canadian real estate investment trust based in Toronto, Canada that makes it easier for you to participate within the Canadian real estate market without the burden of property management.
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